Rent | Realtor
Want to rent commercial property in Kyiv?
Find a reliable tenant and close the deal on the terms best for you Want to rent commercial property in Kyiv? At first glance, the rental market is simple and does not require special skills. It is captivating that you can just buy an item, give an advertisement, and the money will go into your pocket. However, soon you will begin to understand that you are persuaded at a low price, agents pester you 5 times a day, after six months, the tenant leaves the premises, and everything starts anew. I know how to avoid this situation and offer an effective solution
Stages of work
Start of a project
We negotiate terms and conditions, then set a starting price. Conclude a service agreement
Building a demand
Organization of object views on certain days with an interval of 30 minutes. Receive offers
Review proposals
We review proposals from potential tenants. Negotiating for best terms
We agree on the final price and contractual relationship
Closing the deal
We conclude or sign the rental agreement with a tenant and carry out settlements according to the contract
End of the project
We sign work completion statements, bill and carry out settlements according to the contract
Rent quickly and profitably
A property owner’s collaboration with an experienced realtor will shorten your search time and help you get 20% more profit. You pay for an effective sales technology, a set of the right tools and invaluable experience gained over years of practice. Many people learn to do everything on their own and trample on the spot for years and the wise one - buy the experience of others and continue to do what they know best
Benefits of Collaboration
Integrated work
Successful implementation of the project is ensured by effective technology and the involvement of the best-specialized specialists
Real result
More than 200 rental projects have been implemented: offices, retail premises, etc. These are objects of various configurations, costs and requirements for the tenant
If the tenant vacates the premises earlier than after 6 months, the repeated service is provided free of charge

Ready to discuss the project?

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Office address

Ukraine, Kyiv, Glushkov avenue 1